The Project
Key People-Key Knowledge project is an initiative of the Municipality of Permet and the organisation Independent Forum for the Albanian Woman and funded by the European Union under the programme EU for socio-economic development (as alternative to drugs cultivation and trafficking) phase 2. This project intends to create new working/business opportunities for women and unemployed youth, reducing inequality by supporting female leadership inside business start-ups and self-employment initiatives and to give an answer adapted to the risks of economic, political and cultural marginalisation of the targeted territory. Moreover, the project aims to reinforce and facilitate development of a culture of civil society and to help increase the level of cooperation and mutual knowledge between civil society and local authorities in the area of Përmet.
Përmet has one of the best statistics of the Albanian country for its traditions, sightseeing, culture and hospitality – and the territory offers a vast and large amount of entrepreneurship possibilities on agriculture, tourism, crafting- still not much progress has been made and leads the youth to engage in non-legal behaviours such as the cultivation of narcotics. One of the main constrains of the population in Përmet is the migration of youth and women from Përmet in general and from the rural areas. The Përmeti district includes 90 villages where lives more than 70% of population. After 90s, due to difficult social and economic conditions, there was a significant emigration and immigration of rural area inhabitants, especially young people. In average, every four years a village disappears. Migration has negatively affected the resources and, therefore, local production and the development of the area.
Restaurants, hotels, touristic agencies lack young and qualified staff. Except some vocational training activities, in general there are no financial policies to stimulate and attract young people. Migration is still high. Another challenge that the area faces are the non-effective policies regarding the rural areas. In the last years, the dynamics of country’s economic and political development are characterized by the focus on large urban centers. Small cities and especially rural areas are neglected and their economic development is slow. In Përmeti Municipality, agriculture and tourism are the main economic sectors. Land fragmentation, limited financial support, lack of support for small farmers, lack of local markets are some of the factors which have directly affected the economic development in these areas All above mentioned, has created a favourable environment for cannabis sativa cultivation, especially in the most remote and marginalized rural areas.
Youth unemployment also brings serious problems. The main problems such young persons, who have just finished school, mainly, are facing: difficulty in finding a job, lack of incomes, lack of work experience, social issues, loss of confidence, in case they do not find a job for a long period of time or as per their education background, etc. The main obstacle young persons are facing is lack of experience, making it even more difficulty for them to find a job. If young persons do not find a job for a long period of time, there is no doubt that they will lose confidence in themselves, may fall into depression, and lose hope that in the future they may find a job. Sometimes, not-finding the job young person want, discourages them, making them accept other jobs, which, in many cases brings them to illegal alternatives.
In order to accomplish the ambitious objectives, the project has foreseen a diverse target group (Intermediate beneficiaries), which plays a key role in enlarging the basin of final beneficiaries and thus pursuing the outputs and results of the action. Indeed, the target group comprises about 50 women from the city of Përmet and the rural area (Petran, Piskovë and Çarshovë Administrative Units), belonging to specific “categories”, each of them having a strategic reason for being involved.
This first activity of the project will include the State of Art and analysis of territories. Phase 1 intends to elaborate an application of these beliefs to the specific target region and target group, to develop the best approach to make target group active and able to positively affect its own social environment.
This second phase of the project is dedicated to the capacity building and trainings on the job. It is a 12-month phase, led by IFAW with a very active contribution of the lead partner (Municipality of Përmet) for the public call and the selection of students (activity 2.1), and logistic needs and the academic framework for the training, while each partner will provide its own expertise for a few “on-the-job classes”, where the 50 intermediate beneficiaries will practically learn from local authorities, NGOs, organisations and enterprises from Albania and internationally. As far as foreign experts are concerned, the partner IFAW being part of the international network, can provide international experts on the field.
The trainings will have a duration for about 170 hours in class and “on the job” training. Strategic skills comprise: management of international cooperation projects, local development management, business creation, strategic planning, export/import of products and services, etc. The training will comprise a common part (about 30 hours) and two parts (40 hours each), one devoted to NGOs and another one to businesses/micro enterprises.
In order to enhance the cooperation of civil society and local authorities to provide social services according to the idea of subsidiarity two phases are foreseen: phase 3 and phase 4. The action is divided into two phases, because the former (12 months) is specifically devoted to the specific objective (i.e., enhance the cooperation of civil society and local authorities to provide social services according to the idea of subsidiarity) and the latter (6 months) guarantees it’s the long-term efficacy.
Reconstruction of a recreation center (tourism info point, rafting and sportive fishing) in the Petran village (Permet). Petran administrative unit – comprising more than 10 villages – is at the crossroads of the national street connecting Permet to the Greek border. Nowadays Petran has a great tourism potential, because the natural thermal baths. It is estimated that around 25.000 tourists visit the thermal baths of Benje. Moreover, the administrative unit – unlike the other administrative units of the Municipality – has, still, a considerable population of young people and women.
Reconstruction of recreational rooms (ping pong rooms) in the “At Stath Melani” school in Petran and in the city of Permet. Sports is a fundamental component of local wellbeing. It helps young people keep physically and psychologically safe – thus minimising possibilities for drugs use and/or cultivation. Sports activities are practically missing in the rural areas. Petran Administrative Unit is one of the very few rural areas having a public school. Youngsters do not really have any possibilities for extra-scholastic activities.
On the other hand, at urban level, the city of Permet is well-known in the national arena for two sport disciplines: ping pong and basketball. The female basketball team “Permeti roses” ranks high in the national championship. Permet is also the city of the national males’ champion in ping pong. These “key people” can become crucial for the entire community. The Municipality has identified two adequate spaces (one in rural areas and the other one in the city centre) for transforming them into two small ping pong centres.
Organisation of cultural exchange activities between the rural areas and the city of Permet (books promotion in the rural schools). Culture is equally important for the promotion of local well-being. Permet is really well-known in Albania and wider for its writers and poets. The city has an active public library – recently restructures with EU funds. However, rural populations do not have the possibility to access this library. Hence, this activity proposes the purchase of a dedicated “library car” which will travel periodically in all the rural administrative units of Permet involving young students, teachers and parents in book promotion. At least 1 promotional activity per month will take place. This service will be guaranteed through an Agreement between the Municipality of Permet and a local NGO or start-up.